Vermeil silver, with Russian style enameled floral appliqué and set with baroque pearls, diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. The stones may be different types, but that’s what they look like. The depth of quality of the workmanship lends credibility to the stones being genuine.
The cup is 2.5” in diameter, and 4” tall. The saucer is 6” in diameter. It may be marked under some of the appliqué. Russia, c.1900
镀金银制俄式珐琅彩贴花杯碟一套,镶嵌天然异形珍珠,各色宝石和钻石,工艺精湛,色泽鲜艳, 打孔的质量增添了对这些天然宝石的确信。杯子直径2.5英寸,高4英寸。 碟子直径6英寸。俄罗斯,1900 年左右。